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Get Involved
“The day for building your walls will come,
the day for extending your boundaries.”
Mikha / Micah 7:11
“…If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God Provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Yahu’Shua haMoshiach/Jesus Christ the Messiah….” 1 Kefer/Peter 4:11
“For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” Romans 15:27
It is an understatement to say that there is tremendous work to be done in these Latter Days; yet, tragically, there are still too few workers involved in the field of Zion. The church by-and-large has been complacent concerning the many tribulations of those whom God has Declared are the very Apple of His Eye – the Jewish People. This, even though Yahu’Shua (Jesus) said that He came to serve our Jewish brethren.
Indeed, it takes time, dedication, focus, genuine effort and expense to be involved in the field of Zion. There are times when the task is thankless. And there are dangers. Nevertheless, our sacrifices on behalf of helping along the Divine Redemptive Process are holy in God’s Sight.
We hope you will become involved in this cutting-edge mission to Am Yisra’el – the People of Israel. By your involvement you will provide an avenue in which Builders of Zion could give meaningful support to special projects that facilitate the building up of the Promised Land all the way to its Biblical Borders.
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